
Elinvar Investor Portal

(Elinvar is a client subscription platform and not accessible to the public.)

Tools: React 18, Typescript, ES6, Styled Components, Jest, TANStack Query

Task: Build and maintain a portal site where investors can review their investoment data and documents.

Challenges: My main tasks here were the addition of a client postbox, setting up themeing for new clients, and periodic maintenance/upgrades.

Results: Added several new style themes, created a dedicated postbox page, and executed regular bugfixes and maintenance.

Comments: The 'cApp' as we called it was a mostly settled project. However, its existing document page did nothing more than list the documents that were available to investors. I created a 'postbox' that utilized some restful endpoints allowing investors to request and download those documents as PDFs and archive/unarchive documents they had already read, along with a couple filters. Additionaly, I created the style theme for several new clients using styled-components and a company internal theme setup. This was more complicated than it sounds due to our component library not working well with non-white backgrounds, thus requiring a great deal of tinkering to get everything looking right.

Team Members: Too many to list!

