You can click the buttons below to view some screenshots of the site, as well as get more details on the project. Visiting the page itself will require creation of a Carfax account, which is completely free to do, here: View Site
Tools: React, Redux, Sass, ES6, Webpack, Jest/Enzyme, and RESTful API consumption.
Task: Add a section to an existing site that allows Carfax users to see and edit any review they have left for a service shop or car dealership, increasing customer and partner engagement.
Challenges: Updates and maintenance. Cross team coordination to establish new APIs.
Results: This site receives about 3,000 visitors per day, and has been well received by customers and partners alike.
Comments: This code base was an inherited one, and had sat untouched for nearly three years. Accordingly, the tooling in particular was badly out of date, and the Redux code was a bit overly complex (it had been one of Carfax's first React/Redux projects and was a little over-engineered). I pushed to take a step back from expanding this application until we could fully update the tooling and simplify some of the state management. After a significant overhaul under the hood (a significant Webpack and Redux learning experience), Mike Dolan and I proceeded to work closely with the data team that manages the review data to implement new endpoints we could use, and bring this useful new feature to life.
Team Members: Mike Dolan and Carol Li (designer)